Exchange fields
Once PhyDLL is initialized and defined, you can start exchanging the data between the Physical Solver and the Deep Learning engine.
1. Set fields to send:
The core subroutine phydll_set_phy_field
allows to set the Physical fields with labels to send to DL engine. This subroutine should be called count
times. Its arguments are
(*double-precision array/pointer of sizennode
): The field to send. (If non-context coupling is chosen,nnode
(character string): Label of the field to send.
C interface
void phydll_set_field(double** field, char label[]);
Fortran interface
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: field, &
character(len=*) :: label
Python interface
phyl.set_field(field: np.ndarray, label: str)
2. Send fields
We can send fields in two ways:
Blocking send
Non-blocking asynchronous send
C interface
// Blocking
void phydll_send();
// Non-blocking
void phydll_isend();
void phydll_wait_isend();
Fortran interface
! Blocking
! Non-blocking
Python interface
# Blocking
# Non-blocking
In Python interface, the fields could be set directly as a dictionary argument in the send function (without using phyl.set_field(field: np.ndarray, label: str)
# Blocking
phyl.send(fields: dict)
# Non-blocking
phyl.isend(fields: dict)
The fields
dictionary is {label0: field0, label1: field1}
3. Receive fields:
We can receive fields in two ways:
Blocking send
Non-blocking asynchronous send
C interface
// Blocking
void phydll_recv();
// Non-blocking
void phydll_irecv();
void phydll_wait_irecv();
Fortran interface
! Blocking
! Non-blocking
Python interface
# Blocking
# Non-blocking
4. Get received fields
Once the fields are received in PhyDLL’s buffer, we call the getter function with the following arguments:
(*double-precision array/pointer of sizennode
): The received field to send. (If non-context coupling is chosen,nnode
(character string): Label of the received field.
C interface
void phydll_get_field(double** field, char label[]);
Fortran interface
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: field
character(len=*) :: label
Python interface
phyl.get_field() -> Tuple[np.ndarray, str]
In Python interface, receive functions could return directly the received fields with labels as a dictionary (without calling the function above):
# Blocking
phyl.recv(only=False) -> dict
# Non-blocking
phyl.wait_irecv(only=False) -> dict
The returned dictionary is {label0: field0, label1: field1}
Exchange in loop mode
Data exchange can be performed in temporal loop mode. It allows the Physical solver to send a signal to DL engine to indicate when it’s a coupling iteration. In the Physical solver this option: opt_enable_cpl_loop
should be enabled.
In the DL engine a while
temporal loop could be created with the variable:
// C interface
bool phydll_is_phy_signal()
! Fortran interface
logical :: phydll_is_phy_signal_f()
# Python interface
is_phy_signal() -> bool
Useful functions
Get Physical/DL field size
// C interface
void phydll_get_field_size(int* size);
! Fortran interface
phydll_get_field_size_f(integer :: size)
# Python interface
phyl.size : int
Get Physical and DL fields count
// C interface
void phydll_get_field_counts(int* phy_count, int* dl_count);
! Fortran interface
phydll_get_field_counts_f(integer :: phy_count, integer :: dl_count)
# Python interface
self.phy_count : int
self.dl_count : int
Get current Physical Solver iteration
// C interface
int phydll_get_phy_ite();
! Fortran interface
phydll_get_phy_ite_f(integer :: phy_ite)
Get current coupling iteration
// C interface
int phydll_get_ite();
! Fortran interface
phydll_get_ite_f(integer :: ite)