Create Physical Solver & DL Engine instances

This is a guide on the deployment of PhyDLL to couple a Physical Solver (C/Fortran/Python) to a Deep Learning engine (C/Fortran/Python).

Physical Solver:

The depolyment of PhyDLL in the pre-processing step of the Physical Solver is divided into two steps:

  1. Initialization: Initialize the MPI environment.

  2. Definition: Define the coupling context.

  3. Options: Set coupling options.

1. Initialization

The initalization subroutine of PhyDLL phydll_init allows to split the global communicator, set the coupling parameters and map both instances processes.

C interface

  • Include PhyDLL’s header file

#include "phydll.h"
  • After MPI initialization, call PhyDLL’s initialization (phydll_init(char instance[])) subroutine with "physical" as argument:

// Init MPI

// Init PhyDLL
  • Get the local communicator (after the split) to be used for local communications in the physical solver.

// Local mpi communicator
MPI_Comm comm = phydll_get_local_mpi_comm();

Fortran interface

  • Import PhyDLL’s module

use phydll_f
  • As in C, call initialize PhyDLL after MPI. The local communicator is an “out” argument.

integer :: ierr
character(len=16) :: instance
integer :: comm

! Init MPI
call mpi_init(ierr)

! Init PhyDLL
instance = "physical"
call phydll_init_f(instance=instance, comm=comm)

Python interface

  • Import PhyDLL’s class

from pyphydll import PhyDLL
  • Initialize PhyDLL and get local communicator

# Init PhyDLL
phyl = PhyDLL()

# Get MPI local communicator
comm = phyl.get_local_mpi_comm()

2. Definition

The subroutine phydll_define defines the coupling context. Three configurations are available:

  • Non-context aware coupling: Inference engine is not aware of the data topology.

  • Physical mesh-context coupling: Inference engine receives data topology from the Physical Solver.

  • Different meshes-context coupling (Not supported yet): Inference engine has its own data topology.

2.1. Non-context aware coupling

The non-context aware coupling is defined as follows with two arguments:

  • count (integer): The number of Physical Fields to send to the DL engine.

  • size (integer): The array size of a single Physical Field.

C interface
void phydll_define_phy(int count, int size);
Fortran interface
phydll_define_phy_f(integer :: count, integer :: size)
Python interface
phyl.define_phy(count: int, size: int)
2.2 Physical mesh-context coupling

In the Physical mesh-context coupling, we set mesh informations that are sent to the DL engine to construct/aggregate mesh partitions with respect to it dedicated number of CPU/GPUs. This definition requires the following arguments:

  • count (integr): Number of physical fields to send.

  • geodim (integer): Geometrical dimension.

  • ncell (integer): Number of mesh cells of current partition.

  • nnode (integer) : Number of mesh nodes of current partition.

  • ntcell (integer): Total number of mesh cells (all partitions without dup).

  • ntnode (integer): Total number fo mesh nodes (all partitions without dup).

  • nvert (integer): Number of vertices per cell. eg. tetrahedron mesh: nvertex=4; hexahedron mesh: nvertex=8.

  • connec (integer array/pointer of size nvert*ncell): Table of element-to-node connectivity of shape.

  • node_coords (double-precision array/pointer of size geodim*nnode): Table of node coordinates ([x0,y0,z0, ..., xN,yN,zN) of shape.

  • local_cell_to_global (integer array/pointer of size ncell): Table of local-to-global element mapping.

  • local_node_to_global (integer array/pointer of size nnode): Table of local-to-global node mapping.

C interface
void phydll_define_phy_with_mesh(
  int count, \
  int geodim, \
  int ncell, \
  int nnode, \
  int ntcell, \
  int ntnode, \
  int nvert, \
  int** connec, \
  double** coords, \
  int** local_cell_to_global, \
  int** local_node_to_global
Fortran interface
  integer :: count, &
  integer :: geodim, &
  integer :: ncell, &
  integer :: nnode, &
  integer :: ntcell, &
  integer :: ntnode, &
  integer :: nvert, &
  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: connec, &
  double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: coords, &
  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: local_cell_to_global, &
  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: local_node_to_global
Python interface
  count : int,
  geodim : int,
  ncell : int,
  nnode : int,
  ntcell : int,
  ntnode : int,
  nvert : int,
  connec : np.ndarray,
  coords : np.ndarray,
  local_cell_to_global : np.ndarray,
  local_node_to_global : np.ndarray

2. Options

  • Enable loop mode

// C interface
void phydll_opt_enable_cpl_loop();
! Fortran interface
# Python interface
  • Set output frequency (save fields frequency for DirectScheme)

// C interface
void phydll_opt_set_output_freq(int output_freq);
! Fortran interface
phydll_opt_set_output_freq_f(integer :: output_freq)
# Python interface
phyl.opt_set_output_freq(output_freq: int)

DL Engine

To create the DL Engine instance, we follow analogically the creation of Physical Solver instance.

  1. Initialization: We call phydll_init() function with the "dl" argument.

  2. Definition: We call phydll_define_dl with the count of DL fields as argument.

C interface

#include "phydll.h"
// Init MPI

// Init PhyDLL

// Get local mpi communicator
MPI_Comm comm = phydll_get_local_mpi_comm();

// Define the instance

Fortran interface

use phydll_f
integer :: ierr
character(len=16) :: instance
integer :: comm
integer :: count

! Init MPI
call mpi_init(ierr)

! Init PhyDLL
instance = "dl"
call phydll_init_f(instance=instance, comm=comm)

! Define PhyDLL

Python interface

from pyphydll import PhyDLL

# Init PhyDLL
dll = PhyDLL()

# Get MPI local communicator
comm = phyl.get_local_mpi_comm()

# Define